Thought of the day – 02/06/2021

Adopt a positive attitude

Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.   Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. 

If you look for positive things in life, you will find them.

The most important decision you will ever make is to be in a good mood.  Voltaire.


Thought of the day – 01/06/2021

Be a leader

Build a team so strong you don’t know who the boss is.

Be a leader, not a boss
A boss knows everything
A leader admits mistakes

A boss tells people what to do
A leader shows how to do things

A boss criticises
A leader gives advice

A boss talks fast and gives orders
A leader gives direction

A boss demands respect
A leader earns & deserves respect

A boss rules with threats not law
A leader shows human kindness

A boss depends on hearsay
A leader investigates