Thought of the day – 27/07/2020

Take control of your own life

Stop giving other people the power to control your happiness, your mind, and your life.  If you don’t take control of yourself and your own life, someone else is bound to try.  Roy T Bennett.

If you want to live your life, on your terms, you must take control of your own life.  Don’t let other people control you and how you live!  The choice is yours.

Thought of the day – 24/07/2020

Know who you truly are

If you don’t know who you truly are, you’ll never know what you truly want by Roy T Bennett.

Knowing who you are and being comfortable with yourself are key parts of having a Positive Mental Attitude.   Don’t lose sight of yourself because of other roles you may fulfil in life, always be yourself.  Never be afraid of who you are, you may not be perfect but you are always yourself.


Thought of the day – 23/07/2020

Open new doors to new possibilities

When you open your mind, you open new doors to new possibilities for yourself and new opportunities to help others.

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Image from Wikimedia

When one door closes another opens.  Never close your mind to any opportunity.

Thought of the day – 22/07/2020

The Past

Everybody has a past.  For some it may be glorious for others it may be something they would like to forget.  Either way you can’t live in the past, you can use past experiences to either provide inspiration and proof that you can achieve or you can use them as a warning of danger or past failures.  The choice is yours.

The following quote from Roy T Bennett puts the past very well :

“The past is a place of reference, not a place of residence; the past is a place of learning, not a place of living.”

Don’t live in the past, live for today.


Thought of the day – 21/07/2020


Attitude is a little thing that can make a big difference!  Just think about that for a moment.

You can choose to be positive, upbeat, courageous, happy, committed or you can choose to be negative, down in the dumps, scared or sad.  The choice is yours, but all of these things refer to your attitude to life or a specific issue or task and will effect your approach and chances of success.






Thought of the day – 20/07/2020

Everyone makes mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes but its what you do next that’s important.  Making mistakes is part of life, everybody makes mistakes from time to time.  Big or small mistakes are made every second of every day.   However, it is your reaction that really matters.  You can get upset, panic, give up or you can learn from it and move on.

Thought of the day – 17/07/2020


Gratitude is appreciating the things that you have, the people in your life and those which have helped you along the way. It is a readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.  Gratitude is being thankful.


Thought of the day – 16/07/2020


What is flexibility in the context of PMA?Flexibility is the willingness to change or compromise when met with an obstacle or problem. From the point of view of having a Positive Mental Attitude it is being able to go with the flow and maintain a positive mindset even when things don’t go according to plan.


Thought of the day – 15/07/2020


What is self-belief? It is believing in your own abilities, trusting yourself and having a sense of worth.  Self belief is the ability to keep going even when you encounter obstacles.

Thought of the day – 14/07/2020


A negative mind is a distracted mind.  Focus is all important in achieving your goals, and living a productive life.  Focus is vital to achieve a Positive Mental Attitude.

What is focus? Its about paying attention to something, maybe a person, subject or task.  Giving the thing you are focused on your full commitment.