Thought of the day – 17/07/2020


Gratitude is appreciating the things that you have, the people in your life and those which have helped you along the way. It is a readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.  Gratitude is being thankful.


Thought of the day – 16/07/2020


What is flexibility in the context of PMA?Flexibility is the willingness to change or compromise when met with an obstacle or problem. From the point of view of having a Positive Mental Attitude it is being able to go with the flow and maintain a positive mindset even when things don’t go according to plan.


Thought of the day – 15/07/2020


What is self-belief? It is believing in your own abilities, trusting yourself and having a sense of worth.  Self belief is the ability to keep going even when you encounter obstacles.

Thought of the day – 14/07/2020


A negative mind is a distracted mind.  Focus is all important in achieving your goals, and living a productive life.  Focus is vital to achieve a Positive Mental Attitude.

What is focus? Its about paying attention to something, maybe a person, subject or task.  Giving the thing you are focused on your full commitment.

Thought of the day – 13/07/2020

Optimism (Keller), PD US expired
Image from Wikimedia

Optimism is a cornerstone of positive thinking and having a positive mental attitude.  It is looking on the bright side of life, finding the positive in everything you do.  Optimism is a choice.

Being optimistic helps you enjoy life and feel better in yourself.  Optimism makes life worth living.

When you are optimistic you are not blind to reality, you can see situations but you remain positive and look for a solution.

Thought of the day – 10/07/2020


Integrity is the quality of being honest with yourself and others, along with strong moral principles.  Having integrity means being truthful even if doing so will make you unpopular and doing what is right although it may not be the easy option. Sometimes sticking to your principles can be the hardest thing in the world to do, but doing so shows great integrity.

Thought of the day – 09/07/2020


For me resilience refers to mental toughness.  Not giving up when things go wrong or take longer to achieve than you expected.

Gmunden, Media with locations, Pages with maps, Photos imported with import-500px
Image from Wikimedia

Resilience is the ability to keep going when many would have accepted defeat and given up.  Resilience is when you keep getting up every time you are knocked down.  Resilience is strength of character.

Resilience by Nikki Banas

You never know when you are minutes away from a breakthrough.  You never know when you are one project away from the promotion.  You never know when you are one hour of studying away from passing the exam.  You never know when you are one song away from landing the record deal… That is why you keep going; that is why you keep trying.  That is why when you fall down,  you stand back up.  Because the truth is too many people quit before giving themselves a real chance.  They stop because it isn’t happening fast enough or how they thought it would work out…  My beautiful friend, remember that all good things take time.  Be patient, and your time will come too.

Thought of the day – 08/07/2020


Acceptance is one of the most powerful parts of having a Positive Mental Attitude.  Acceptance of one’s self or acceptance of a situation, once you can accept you can move forward, you are no longer held back.  You are free to fulfil your destiny.



Thought of the day – 07/07/2020

You are capable of anything

Self belief is a very big part of having a positive mindset.  Believe in yourself and your abilities and you can achieve anything you put your mind to. It may take time and you will have to overcome obstacles along the way (we wouldn’t want life to be too easy would we?) but with a positive outlook on life you are capable of anything.


Thought of the day – 06/07/2020


People often say that Patience is a virtue.  However, patience is also a positive attribute.  As Roy T Bennett says in this verse being patient is the ability to stay calm no matter what happens and turn a situation into an opportunity for growth and have the positive belief that everything will work out ok at the end.