Thought of the day – 02/09/2020


You don’t have to be perfect to be happy.

Perfection doesn’t exist, aim for excellence.

Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect.  It means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.  Roy T Bennett.

Thought of the day – 01/09/2020

Life is one long learning opportunity

Some things cannot be taught; they must be experienced.  You never learn the most valuable lessons in life until you go through your own journey.                 Roy T Bennett.

In life you never stop learning. Every day is filled with new experiences and learning opportunities. Reach out and learn.


Thought of the day – 31/08/2020

Aspire to inspire

Surround yourself with people who encourage you, inspire you, and believe in your dreams.

Being able to inspire someone else to reach there goals, or be the best that they can be, is a wonderful thing.

Aspire to inspire!

Thought of the day – 20/08/2020

Setting goals

Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.

Tony Robbins

No matter what task you are trying to complete setting goals is a vital element.  They provide you with a road map to your destination.


Thought of the day – 18/08/2020

Treat others as you wish to be treated

You don’t have to like someone, but you have to treat them as you wish to be treated – Roy T Bennett.

Everyone should be treated with respect no matter there race, colour, creed, gender, religion, political beliefs or sexual orientation.   We are all equal and should be treated as such.

Thought of the day – 11/08/2020

The right path is rarely the easy one.

Life teaches us that the right path is rarely the easy one.  Roy T Bennett

Life is a challenge and for it to be for filling it has to be.  Anything worth doing is rarely easy and will put challenges and obstacles in your path along the way.  Don’t give up, Carpe Diem!


Thought of the day – 07/08/2020

Choose to have a great attitude

The attitude you adopt is always a choice made by you.  There are many things in life over which you have no control but attitude isn’t one of them.  Always choose to have a positive attitude.




Thought of the day – 31/07/2020

Have a strong purpose

Enthusiasm can help you find the new doors, but it takes passion to open them.  If you have a strong purpose in life, you don’t have to be pushed.  Your passion will drive you there.  Roy T Bennett.

With a strong purpose you can achieve anything you want.  Enthusiasm provides you with the desire to achieve, to keep going when you come up against obstacles.


Thought of the day – 30/07/2020

Try something new

Learning something new is a wonderful experience.  It widens your horizons, provides you with new skills and you may get to meet new people.  Approach new experiences with an open mind and willingness to learn.