Thought of the day – 28/07/2020

Yes you can

You can do whatever you put your mind to. Think positive.

You have come a long way and have won many battles.  Whenever you’re faced with a difficult or challenging situation, you’ll over come it.  Yes you can.  Roy T Bennett

Thought of the day – 22/07/2020

The Past

Everybody has a past.  For some it may be glorious for others it may be something they would like to forget.  Either way you can’t live in the past, you can use past experiences to either provide inspiration and proof that you can achieve or you can use them as a warning of danger or past failures.  The choice is yours.

The following quote from Roy T Bennett puts the past very well :

“The past is a place of reference, not a place of residence; the past is a place of learning, not a place of living.”

Don’t live in the past, live for today.


Thought of the day – 20/07/2020

Everyone makes mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes but its what you do next that’s important.  Making mistakes is part of life, everybody makes mistakes from time to time.  Big or small mistakes are made every second of every day.   However, it is your reaction that really matters.  You can get upset, panic, give up or you can learn from it and move on.

Thought of the day – 17/07/2020


Gratitude is appreciating the things that you have, the people in your life and those which have helped you along the way. It is a readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.  Gratitude is being thankful.


Thought of the day – 15/07/2020


What is self-belief? It is believing in your own abilities, trusting yourself and having a sense of worth.  Self belief is the ability to keep going even when you encounter obstacles.

Thought of the day – 10/07/2020


Integrity is the quality of being honest with yourself and others, along with strong moral principles.  Having integrity means being truthful even if doing so will make you unpopular and doing what is right although it may not be the easy option. Sometimes sticking to your principles can be the hardest thing in the world to do, but doing so shows great integrity.

Thought of the day – 08/07/2020


Acceptance is one of the most powerful parts of having a Positive Mental Attitude.  Acceptance of one’s self or acceptance of a situation, once you can accept you can move forward, you are no longer held back.  You are free to fulfil your destiny.



Thought of the day – 06/07/2020


People often say that Patience is a virtue.  However, patience is also a positive attribute.  As Roy T Bennett says in this verse being patient is the ability to stay calm no matter what happens and turn a situation into an opportunity for growth and have the positive belief that everything will work out ok at the end.

Thought of the day – 03/07/2020

Be the best that YOU can be

You don’t have to finish first or come top of your class to be the best that you can be.  Everyone has a personal best, a score in test, a time in a race, or a position in a league table.  It is possible to achieve your personal best without actually crossing the line before everyone else.

In life the challenge is the same, against yourself.  To be the very best model of yourself that you can be.  Compete with yourself, aim for your personal best in everything you do.

Thought of the day – 02/07/2020

Only look back to see how far you’ve come

CC-Zero, Images from Unsplash, Images from Unsplash (review needed), Images uploaded by Fæ, Mono County, California, Pages with local camera coordinates and missing SDC coordinates, Pages with maps
Image from Wikimedia

Live your life in the present.  Not in the past or the future.  Looking back may only lead to regret while looking to the future may fill you with fear of what is to come.  That said looking back does serve a purpose as it will show you how much you’ve achieved in your life and how far you’ve really come.