Thought of the day – 23/10/2020


When the odds are against you, hope.

Never give up, there is always hope.

Difficulties and adversities viciously force all their might on us and cause us to fall apart, but they are necessary elements of individual growth and reveal our true potential.  We have got to endure and overcome them, and move forward.

Never lose hope.  Storms make people stronger and never last forever.
Roy T Bennett

Thought of the day – 11/09/2020

Every day I learn, I improve.

You learn something valuable from all of the significant events and people, but you never touch your true potential until you challenge yourself to go beyond imposed limitations.  Roy T Bennett

Never stop learning!

Thought of the day – 10/09/2020

The comeback is always stronger than the setback.

Find the positive in the setback for the ultimate comeback.

Change course, but don’t give up.  Roy T Bennett.


Thought of the day – 09/09/2020

Think Positive

Discipline your mind to think positively;  to see the good in every situation and look on the best side of every event.  Roy T Bennett.

Think positive!

Thought of the day – 08/09/2020

A quitter never wins, a winner never quits

The key is not the will to win… everybody has that.  It is the will to prepare to win that is important.  Bobby Knight.

Champions aren’t made in the gym, champions are made from something they have deep inside them – a desire, a dream, a vision.  Roy T Bennett.

Thought of the day – 07/09/2020


Discipline your mind to see the good in every situation and look on the best side of every event.  Roy T Bennett

Keep calm and focus on the positive.  Roy T Bennett

Thought of the day – 02/09/2020


You don’t have to be perfect to be happy.

Perfection doesn’t exist, aim for excellence.

Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect.  It means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.  Roy T Bennett.

Thought of the day – 12/08/2020

Carpe Diem

Seize the day!  You’ve only got three choices in life: Give up, Give in or Give it all you’ve got – Roy T Bennett.

When’s the best time to start?  Now!

Open the curtains and let a new day begin!

With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts – Eleanor Roosevelt.

You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream – Les Brown.

If you are going through hell, keep going – Winston Churchill.

Difficult doesn’t mean impossible.

One may walk over the highest mountain one step at a time- John Wanamaker

Carpe Diem!

Thought of the day – 29/07/2020

Do what is right

When you do the right thing, you get the feeling of peace and serenity associated with it.  Do it again and again.  Roy T Bennett

Personally I get a warm glow when I do the right thing.  A feeling of joy and pride washes over me.

It doesn’t matter what other people are doing, do what is right.