Thought of the day – 22/07/2020

The Past

Everybody has a past.  For some it may be glorious for others it may be something they would like to forget.  Either way you can’t live in the past, you can use past experiences to either provide inspiration and proof that you can achieve or you can use them as a warning of danger or past failures.  The choice is yours.

The following quote from Roy T Bennett puts the past very well :

“The past is a place of reference, not a place of residence; the past is a place of learning, not a place of living.”

Don’t live in the past, live for today.


Thought of the day – 06/07/2020


People often say that Patience is a virtue.  However, patience is also a positive attribute.  As Roy T Bennett says in this verse being patient is the ability to stay calm no matter what happens and turn a situation into an opportunity for growth and have the positive belief that everything will work out ok at the end.



A choice is an active decision.  You can choose to go to work, you can choose to stay home, you can choose what to have for lunch or who to be friends with.  You can choose to be positive, you can choose to be negative, you can choose to get married or remain single, you can even choose to get divorced.  Whatever choices you make in life you must be prepared to accept the consequences which will go with them, right or wrong. As Roy T Bennett says here whatever choice you make choose wisely.

Do what is right

These words were written by Roy T Bennett, and for me are very appropriate in the modern world.  It takes courage and belief in yourself to do something which will not be popular and therefore doesn’t come easily.

Positive Thoughts

Having positive thoughts as opposed to negative ones makes you feel so much better.  Negative thinking is unhealthy and often leads to depression and anxiety.  In this quote Roy T Bennett correctly says that it is your thought process that makes you feel unhappy and you can change that.



Adopt a Positive Mental Attitude and you will quickly find that your mood is a lot happier.