Thought of the day – 01/03/2021

Integrity is everything

Integrity, the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.

Things people with integrity do differently:

  1. If they give you there word you can count on it.
  2. They know what is right and are not afraid to stand up for it.
  3. They live by the same standards they expect of others.
  4. They take ownership of problems that aren’t there own.
  5. They choose to act sooner, not later.
  6. They are extremely humble.
  7. They believe in transparency.
  8. They give credit where credit is due.
  9. They are people you can trust.
  10. They are broad minded people.

Integrity is a solitary path.  Whether alone or with others, integrity reveals who you are.

Integrity is doing the right thing when no one is watching.

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