Thought of the day – 15/06/2021

Be a leader

Great leaders don’t set out to be a leader…they set out to make a difference.  Its never about the role – always about the goal.

Being positive in a negative situation is not naïve.   Its leadership.

Leadership is not about a title or a designation.  It’s about impact, influence, and inspiration.  Robin S Sharma.

Thought of the day – 01/06/2021

Be a leader

Build a team so strong you don’t know who the boss is.

Be a leader, not a boss
A boss knows everything
A leader admits mistakes

A boss tells people what to do
A leader shows how to do things

A boss criticises
A leader gives advice

A boss talks fast and gives orders
A leader gives direction

A boss demands respect
A leader earns & deserves respect

A boss rules with threats not law
A leader shows human kindness

A boss depends on hearsay
A leader investigates